「Surprise Party」(驚喜派對)「Surprise Party」(驚喜派對) My best friend Lily's birthday is coming next month, and I plan to throw her a surprise party. 我最好的朋友莉莉下個月要過生日了,我計劃找房子要幫她辦一個驚喜派對。 【換句話說】 My best friend Lily's birthday is only a month away, and I plan to hold a surprise party for her. First, I asked one of our friends to ask her out to dinner 土地買賣that night, just to throw her off the scent. 我先拜託我們一個朋友約她那天晚上出去吃晚餐,讓她不會起疑心。 【換句話說】 For a cover, I asked a mutual friend to invite her out to dinner that evening. 酒店經紀Then, I sent invitations to all the guests, including her old classmates from college, and I informed them of the dress code as well. 然後我寄了邀請函給所有的客人,包括她大學時代的老同學,順便告知他們酒店工作服裝規定。 【換句話說】 Afterwards, I sent invitations to all the guests, including her old college buddies, and I let them know about the dress code. I also called her favorite restaurant for 酒店打工catering service to make sure the party will be centered solidly around food. 我還打電話到她最喜歡的餐廳預約外燴服務,確保派對的焦點是豐盛的美食。 【換句話說】 I also called her favorite restaurant to 酒店兼職provide food; I want to make sure the focus of the party will be the cuisine. I've got everything settled. I just hope our guest of honor will enjoy the surprise we planned for her. 我把一切都安排室內設計好了。我只希望派對主角會喜歡我們幫她策劃的驚喜。 【換句話說】 Everything is taken care of. I just hope the party girl takes pleasure in the surprise we prepared for her. 線上收聽 裝潢 「Surprise Party」(驚喜派對)關鍵字 throw sb. off the scent (v. phr.): 使某人失去戒心 mutual (adj.): 共同的,彼此的 inform (v.): 通知,告知 室內裝潢dress code (n.): 服裝規定 catering (n.): 外燴 solidly (adv.): 豐盛地,充實的 cuisine (n.): 美食,菜餚 pleasure (n.): 愉快,滿足

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